Medicines for prostatitis: how to treat prostate inflammation in men

In the treatment of prostatitis, drug therapy is most often prescribed. During his journey, the patient needs to take medicine from various categories. Some are designed to eliminate symptoms that cause discomfort, while others deliberately act directly on the affected glands, eliminating the most important thing - the main cause. At the same time, drugs differ in the strength of their effect, because some are designed to eliminate acute, while others fight against chronic. Let's look at the most popular drugs used in the treatment of prostate inflammation.

healthy prostate and inflamed with prostatitis

Types of drugs for prostatitis

All drugs prescribed by the attending physician can be divided into several categories according to the method of application:

  • Tablets and capsules- taken orally, moderately absorbed by the body, in the case of capsules, absorption occurs faster, because all components reach their destination in a short time after the gelatin shell dissolves.
  • Injection- this can be both a liquid and a powder preparation, which is further diluted in a working liquid, usually anesthetic, given intramuscularly or intravenously, and the effect can be noticeable after a few minutes.
  • Rectal suppositories (candles)- has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic effect, is injected into the patient's rectum when he is on his side, and in this position he has to spend about half an hour so that the medicine is completely dissolved and absorbed.
  • Instillation- a group of drugs that have a maximum positive effect only in case of direct entry into the affected area of the prostate gland, this method is used in hospitals, because the introduction is made through the urethra.
  • Microclyster- as a rule, this includes non-drug remedies, for example, herbal decoctions, they cannot replace drug therapy, but can be a good way to eliminate pain or prevent it.

It should be remembered that some types of drugs can be sold in several forms at once, for example, tablets and suppositories, so the attending physician must demonstrate this feature without fail.

medicine for prostatitis

The most popular drug for the treatment of prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis with drugs is a rather complicated procedure that requires the doctor to choose the right drug that will not only relieve pain and eliminate other symptoms with manifestations, but also help eliminate the cause of the disease. The disease itself can also have a different origin, manifest itself in an acute or chronic form, and convey the most diverse difficulties to the patient, limiting him in nature and leading to complete infertility.

In the treatment of prostatitis, classic tablets, intramuscular injections and rectal suppositories can be used. The choice of the drug directly depends on the need for immediate delivery of its components to the affected organ.

Do not self-medicate! The main drug should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

Additional funds

Treatment of prostatitis is not limited to one drug. Specialists can also use other types of drugs from different categories.


Fluoroquinolones are antibacterial drugs used in the treatment of prostatitis of tuberculosis origin. These funds are used in a complex, and patients can be prescribed a course consisting of four or more drugs at once.


Cephalosporins are antimicrobials designed to fight certain types of bacteria.

The drugs can be a broad and directed spectrum of action, and the need for the use of certain agents directly depends on the form of the disease and the cause of its occurrence.


Macrolides in the treatment of prostatitis are rarely used, because they are aimed at combating certain types of bacteria, such as mycoplasmas and chlamydia. By the way, diseases such as chlamydia are often accompanied by prostatitis, so doctors prescribe several tests at once to identify problems with the prostate gland at an early stage.

In acute manifestations of prostatitis, the attending physician may prescribe several drugs of various categories at once. This approach allows you to effectively deal with both the symptoms and the disease itself.


A large number of analgesics are prescribed in the presence of acute pain syndrome, which is an important companion of chronic prostatitis, but more often acute. The use of drugs belonging to this group, outside the framework of drug therapy aimed at eliminating the disease, is absolutely not recommended, because the body quickly gets used to it, and to achieve an analgesic effect, an increase in dosage will be required, which can affect the liver and kidneys. Analgesic courses are prescribed individually.

Alpha blockers and muscle relaxants

The main task of this group of drugs is to relieve tension from the spasmodic muscles of the bladder, urethra, and also reduce pressure in the pelvic area. These medications help relieve discomfort and normalize the process of urination.


The drugs basically contain natural ingredients, in the case of prostatitis - extracts based on bovine prostate gland tissue. Regardless of the drug, they all have the same principle of action, allowing:

  1. slow down the inflammatory process;
  2. increase the tone of smooth muscles and bladder walls;
  3. minimize the possibility of blood clots;
  4. improves blood circulation in the prostate area;
  5. reduce the size of the prostate.

Immunomodulators can be used in several diseases, including chronic prostatitis, acute non-infectious prostatitis, prostate adenoma.

In addition, the funds are actively used for preventive purposes, which help prevent the onset of the disease or its recurrence.

Vitamins and biological supplements

Means that fall into this category can reduce inflammation, increase fluid outflow and relieve congestion. The need for such drugs is also caused by insufficient intake of beneficial nutrients into the body, especially when taking antibiotics.

Prostatitis is a rather complex disease, the treatment of which should be handled only by a real specialist. Self-selection of drugs is absolutely not recommended, because with this approach there is a high proportion of possible complications in the form of infertility, impotence, and also increases the risk of developing cancer. The use of prostatitis drugs without consulting a doctor can lead to the fact that it is impossible to get rid of the disease without surgery. In addition, self-treatment is complicated by the impossibility of making an accurate diagnosis, as this requires appropriate equipment and knowledge.

It should also be remembered that most of the drugs used in the treatment of prostatitis are quite toxic, and some types are incompatible. If you feel pain in the pelvic area during urination, defecation or ejaculation, often go to the toilet and cannot empty your bladder normally, it is not worth the risk - see a doctor. Therefore, you will not only prevent the unfavorable course of the disease, but you can avoid the development of its chronic form, which you will have to live with for the rest of your life. In addition, your sexual function will not be affected and, with timely treatment, you will be able to have a completely normal and healthy offspring.